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Selectmen Minutes 02/26/2008

Chichester Board of Selectmen
February 26, 2008

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairman Colbert, Selectman DeBold, and Administrator Lisa Stevens.  
Selectman MacCleery was on vacation.

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 7:00pm.

The Public Awareness training for this evening was cancelled due to the snowstorm.  

SUBJECT: Department Heads
PRESENT: Patrick Clarke; Police Chief-John Martell; Emergency Management Director

PD – Chief Clarke updated the Board on the status of the hiring process for the new officer.  The Town of Barnstead was not interested in purchasing former Officer Seluk’s safety vest. Patrick will contact area police departments to attempt to find an officer that can use the vest.

The Local Government Center has come out and done a space needs assessment for the police department. Several areas were identified as critical need. These will be identified in the written report submitted to the Board of Selectmen.  Essentially the insurance carrier (LGC) is recommending this expansion project be given top priority. This project is included in the CIP for fiscal year 2009.

Pat submitted a memo to the Board outlining his decision for this year’s cruiser purchase.

EMD – The Public Awareness training has been re-scheduled to April 22, 2008.


The Board discussed the recent invoice for repair to the 2004 International highway truck and directed Lisa to follow up with the manufacturer as to the possibility of having this covered under the warranty.
Chairman Colbert reported that according to Mr. Kenneally, there is one re-tread front tire on the blue truck but that the tires on the old pumper are in worse shape than what is on the blue truck.  He will purchase new tires should the Board deem necessary.

Three of the highway trucks have been repaired and are up and running for this storm.  The red truck had the gas tank and injector pump replaced, the blue truck got a new rear end and springs, the one-ton had an electrical problem.

The Board denied a request to rent folding chairs from the town.

The Civil Forfeiture Form is now a three-part form and will replace the outdated warning letter, for violations of the town’s Snow Removal Ordinance.  The Board approved of this change.

The Selectmen reviewed the request from the Fire Department for the expenditure of Impact Fee money to purchase turnout gear for four new members.  The Board still has questions for the Chief and will defer this decision until next week.

The Board reviewed the quote from Rymes for replacement of the roof furnace at the Fire Station.  The quote cited two options.  The Board is requesting two additional quotes prior to making a decision on this.

The Selectmen reviewed the Planning Board’s letter to the Board of Adjustment regarding a potential obnoxious use from the proposed expansion to Chucksters. The Selectmen have discussed this and it looks like the Planning Board has done their job on this application and the applicant has taken steps to

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BOS minutes
February 26, 2008

mitigate the noise, fumes and lighting.  The Selectmen do not feel it is the place of the Planning Board to bring this to the Board of Adjustment, and are not sure why this has proceeded as such.  The town is not an aggrieved party and the use does not yet exist so this is a hypothetical situation at this point.  Advice given from the Office of Energy and Planning was the same sentiment.  Selectmen DeBold will follow up with this discussion at the March 6th Planning Board meeting.

The Selectmen agreed to the wording revision recommended by town counsel, and signed the settlement agreement regarding the 763 Second Street litigation.

Mail and correspondence were reviewed.  Accounts payable and payroll were signed.

The minutes of February 15th and February 19, 2008, were approved as written.

Being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 9:00pm.

Respectfully submitted,

                                                                                Approved AS Written
Lisa Stevens                                                                            3/4/2008

_________________________               _________________________               ___________________
David Colbert, Chairman         Richard DeBold                          Stephen MacCleery